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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Who art thou???

People can be unpleasant, right? We are not all going to agree on the same things; not always going to share similar opinions. That's what makes us function in a society in which our freedoms are abundant. Gotta be grateful for that. There are also those people that make every effort possible to try and dissuade your decisions when they feel an overwhelming concern for you. Who are they? ALL OF US! I'm for that! I get it! When I have a teenage daughter, I doubt she will have the experience and enough rational ability to understand that "Spike" with the tattoos all over his face is probably not the most ideal mate at her age. I'm sure I will do everything I can to deter her from seeing him.

Then there are those who feel their lot in life is to belittle and derail your ideas, faith, opinions, and views in such mean ways. They have spent a substantial amount of time "discovering" something about your way of thinking, that they feel the need to inform you of it. First, their minds aren't functioning right if they use destructive techniques to try and sway you, so why would one ever feel their views are even rational enough to believe? Second, the information they get most likely comes from inadequate sources that's sole objective and agenda are to destroy what others think (Socialistic views?? bordering on fascism?? In a weird way, right??)

I think society would function much better if people allowed others the freedoms that they are entitled to without thoughts of skewing them to match their own narcissistic beliefs. So for all of you who feel the need to step into others' lives unwelcome, keep your misery-laden, hate-mongering, "jihadistic" propaganda to's unnecessary.


Cali said...

Not sure about the facism or jihadistic-ness, lol... but I totally agree with you in general. Anyone who does it with scorn, distain, or hate in their heart - for the person or the person's beliefs - it's totally unnecessary and unwelcome.

Cali said...
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Cali said...

Regarding religion too - it should be possible to be a non-mormon and not be anti-mormon. Some can do that; a lot of people, especially here I think, can't.

Rory said...

Is this about my Phil Collins blog?... Keanu Reeve's acting really is better than his music.

Sven said...

whow...whow...whow...Do not get critical of senor reeves....

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you Geoff, wherein no one should be treading upon your feelings and beliefs when not welcome. And if they use destructive techniques, how could you take them seriously, right?

But I have to disagree to the point that the information they're getting this from come from inadequate sources. They are very valid and historically researched with no agendas to deceive, only to bring out the truth of our history. Anyone who will take the time to deeply research it will agree. When "faith" based on good feelings wasn't enough anymore, I had to find out for myself, no matter how disappointing it was.

I'm keeping the propaganda to myself in respect for your feelings Geoff, and I think out of a spirit of compassion, others should too. I'm sorry you've been subjected to that, but I kind of understand why they do it. Like Cali said, people around here have a hard time 'letting it go' because there's a need to defend themselves for dislike of the labels put upon them (desire to sin, anti, deceived, led astray by evil, going under, over, and around, etc.) When in truth, people leave based on theological facts, and many don't like their character judged,(though it's inevitable around here.)

I know you weren't directing this post to me specifically, but occasionally I feel like I'm going through the last stages of grief (anger), so forgive me please for being sensitive. But having said that, I'm also dealing with it positively through blogging, support groups, and many amazing friends who understand because they have been, or are currently experiencing the same feelings. The hardest part about our journey is having family disagree and not understand us, so I guess this is the reason for my comment. I hope it helps, even if it's a little bit.

Sven said...
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Sven said...

I appreciate your response, and I absolutely respect your desires, decisions, and opinions. I support you 110% in everything and anything you do, if it is a means to your happiness and satisfaction; I never want you to think otherwise....

That being said, I disagree with your statement "They are very valid and historically researched with no agendas to deceive, only to bring out the truth of our history. Anyone who will take the time to deeply research it will agree." It's hard for me to believe that a certain part of "history" is valid when it's sole objective is to devalue; you'll never find anti-mormon claims that present a fair or full representation of church history, doctrine, or expectations. It is obviously one-sided in its attempts to discredit the church, and to make the claim that it is solid and valid history is to only take the side of what sounds more "thought provoking" and logical, not what actually is fact. If anti-mormons could present thier claims and arguments in more unbiased ways, then i'm sure alot more people would take the time to "deeply research it." When it sets out with the intent to not represent who Latter-day Saints really are and how we live our lives, then it is unfair to say that it is factually based and valid; The validity of those claims is a question of faith and is obviously a personal issue between an individual and God; nobody should EVER, under any circumstance belittle you or anyone else who chooses to seperate themselves from the church...and I completely understand your feelings of defense. I would feel the same way.

This post was not an attempt to point the finger at you or anyone else in particular. It was absolutely not written about leaving the church, or even about people disagreeing with the church. This entire blog post is asking what ever happened to live and let live, you go one way and I go another? Why should we constantly feel threatened by people who seek out to berate us because those good feelings that we feel improve our lives, calling it a sensation or delusion? Is it not ok to participate in an organization that emphasizes compassion, family values, and personal morality without having to defend criticism? Should not that same respect and compassion that critics seek from the church be equally shown to those who are members or who believe in its message?

Anonymous said...

I just sent you an email to "panchobizzarro". Too long for a blog post. Until then...

Sven said...

I won't get it. you'll need to send it to my regular email