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Saturday, February 14, 2009


The other day at the gym I had quite the weird experience. We were finishing up our workout when I noticed my buddy was very tired. He didn't sleep very well the night before and it was taking a toll on him the next day. I said, "Hey Jared, you look beat." he shook his head in agreement. Just then a guy that we had never seen before walked up to me with a smile and mumbled something. He looked like sloth from the goonies without too much of a disfigured face. I thought he was excited about having a good workout and wanted to tell me about it, but I heard nothing but mumbles. So I smiled at him and politely responded, "I'm sorry. What was that?" He replied saying, "Take it called me weak!" I was a little confused and said, "No I was talking to my friend over there." He then said the most retarded thing another human can say to another. "GOOD! I'm not weak." Then he walked away.

It was by far one of the weirdest, most spooky encounters I have had with anyone. Apparently this gentleman thought I had said something like, "That guy is weak." instead of "You look beat."

The very first thing I thought afterwards was that he was the kid that wore capes and read fantasy books during lunch in high school and got picked on by jocks. Now he was out to prove to the world that he was no longer gonna be bullied, but he was gonna do the bullying. He must have thought it was a good opportunity to show his manliness. I honestly felt really sorry for the guy and I hope he is able to put off his insecurities and learn to interact with people in a respectable manner.


NaDell said...

What a funny little story. I love the picture to go along with it.
Good thing he didn't beat you up for something you didn't say, since he's "not weak".

Jared said...

Ha! I didn't know that experience had traumatized you so badly!
he was a really weird guy. He hasn't been around for a while, I only remember having seen him for that week, and the one after...